Lil Jon is currently in the process of creating an animated cartoon with Comedy Central, which will feature both him and his family. The cartoon, titled "A-Town," will be a comedy focusing on the rapper, his family and their life in his hometown of Atlanta. "It's a hilarious cartoon, I think everybody's gonna love it," Lil Jon said.
The rapper/producer says it is ficitonal and is not really about his actual family, but in the cartoon, expect his fictional family to be crazier than he is. "Everybody thinks I'm gonna be the craziest character, but my family is crazier than I am," Jon explained.
"It's just about living in Atlanta; me and my family living in Atlanta and all the crazy stuff we get into." According to Jon, the script for "A-Town" have been completed and Comedy Central should begin animating the episodes soon.
But, as of press time, there is no release date as to when they will begin airing. Lil Jon also revealed that he is currently working on three films, but did not disclose any further information. And has been in and out of the studio finishing up his next album, Crunk Rock, which is due later this year.
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