Angela and Vanessa...Pastry Footwear

Young women will soon have a new line of shoes to seek out, with arrival of Vanessa and Angela Simmons' new line of shoes, Pastry Footwear. The line will feature colorful, mid-priced athletic-inspired shoes and includes various style for young women. In addition, each shoe will have tube of lip gloss attached to it, with its scent/color matching the shoe's theme.

Pastry Footwear is the latest venture for Vanessa, a St. John's University business communication major, and Angela, who recently launched the new teen magazine Angela's RunDown. The Simmons sisters are best known for their appearances on their hit MTV reality show Run's House. The new season of the show is scheduled to debut on March 23. The season premiere of Run's House will air this spring on MTV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey angela you know you dont know me but i am your biggest fan right and i like your movies some times well any way i have to go and see for my other singers and movie stars ok CYA love ya 2????